Saturday, February 28, 2009

Cookies and Visitors

I am on such a cookie kick right now! I baked the cranberry oatmeal raisin ones last week for Bobbie (and kept leftovers for Walter--only one left now!), and I baked chocolate chip ones for my cousin later in the week (which were also delicious...if only I could have kept those as well!). A co-worker of Walter's requested some cookies, so I believe I will start baking a new batch weekly for him to bring to the office (although, sometimes I may bake cupcakes as well).

Another of my cousins (I am sure it sounds as if I have a million--really, I only have five that I regularly communicate with, and only two that I regularly spend time with) is coming over this afternoon for some shopping. I have not seen her since Christmas, so it will be a fun day. Too bad it is only 30 degrees today instead of the 70 we had on Wednesday! Consistent warm weather would be fantastic.

Walter's father stopped by this morning. He brought Walter's miniature refrigerator from college so we can place it upstairs. That way, on days when I am too sore to walk, I will have a way to obtain lunch. We had a lovely chat with him before he left.

Next weekend I will be baking and decorating the cake for my mother's best friend's daughter. Her party is on Sunday. We will not be staying for the party, but we will deliver the cake and a small gift of Play-Doh. I will be sure to blog about the cake when it is done. I hope it turns out better than the last. This one will be shaped like a castle. I am considering using fondant now that I have found some recipes for tasty kinds, but I think I will do simple buttercream this time and fondant for the next cake I bake (which will be for my sister's baby shower).

So much baking is in my future! Hooray!


Mrs Salas said...

I do find a joy in baking also, I wish I just had the time to do as I wish!!!

But my mouth was starting to water everytime I heard a new cookie!

Joanna Eberhart said...

That, I find, is one of the greatest perks of being a (childless) housewife--time to bake whenever I want! :)